Recite Al Jazeeri [Tell Al Jazeera]
“40 godina IFDT: praksa i teorija kontrainstitucije” [40 Years of IFDT: Practice and Theory of a Counter-Institution], interview with A. Perunović & M. Bešlin, 22.02.2022.
“Vlast se oslanja na ambiciozne neznalice” [The Government Relies on Ambitious Ignoramuses], interview with S. Petrušić, NIN, 28.05.2020.
“Teroristi bez dileme” [The terrorists have no dilemmas], interview with M. Ćipranić, Politika, 12.01.2016.
“Za razliku od Rusije, Zapad ima teoriju rata” [In contrast to Russia, the West has theory of war], interview with N. Odalović, Danas, 19–20.12.2015.